On this page you'll find recordings of the 5 Day Kajabi Kickstarter Challenge videos in case you've left it all for a final day cram session! 
These are only available until Saturday, July 27th at 11:59pm AWST (GMT+8).

Want to own these recordings FOREVER FREE? They're yours to keep when joining the Monthly Course Creator's Incubator or with any 5 Day Challenge Pipeline set-up ....and so many other bonuses!
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Kajabi Kickstarter Challenge - Day 1

Today's video is all about the various funnels available within Kajabi, what they're best used for and which one is the perfect for choice for our 5 Day Challenge

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Kajabi Kickstarter Challenge - Day 2

Yesterday we generated the Zoom Webinar OVO Pipeline. Today we're learning about all the elements and preparing our email sequence, tags and automations.

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Kajabi Kickstarter Challenge - Day 3

Today is all about the often under-utilized Thank You page - the perfect place to present your first offer and make your first sale

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Kajabi Kickstarter  Challenge - Day 4

Today we're creating a Recap Page (just like this one) to introduce a sense of urgency.

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Kajabi Kickstarter  Challenge - Day 5

For our final class today we do a full run-through of how it should look and start to look at design elements

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What's on offer in a nutshell?

Well, that depends on which offer you take, but they ALL come with the following (not to mention all the recordings from the last 5 days!):

Pipeline Pages x 4

Challenge Registration
Challenge Welcome
Recap Page
Sales Page

Email Sequence

My complete email sequence (2 before the challenge, 5 during and 5 follow-up)

Premier Magic Pro

All pages created on the Premier Magic Pro Theme (not available on Kajabi) - share icons, upgraded testimonials, mobile responsive, dropdown menus

ABOUT The Course Creator's Incubator

If you're looking for something more than just the 5 Day Challenge Pipeline created in your account (& your female) then give some thought to The Course Creator's Incubator. A 12 month holistic program for female thought leaders, providing the admin support and skills sharing needed to really excel in the course creation space. 

Click Here to Learn More About The Course Creator's Incubator

50% Complete

Two Step

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