On the Blog

The Invisible Web that Holds Us as We Close Out the School Year educator well-being end of school feelings relationships social emotional learning May 28, 2020

by Katie Raher, PhD

This week, I've continued to notice the sadness that seems to be everywhere as we wrap up this very unique school year. I share some stories from my world and some lovely lessons from a new children's book that have helped me. I hope they help you find some relief as...

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Prioritizing Well-being Support for Educators during the Pandemic: 6 Practices and Powerful Ripple Effects educator well-being feelings relationships self-care whole system Apr 20, 2020

By Katie Raher, PhD

Nurturing teams of educators with well-being practices is an important part of the puzzle as we work to support children and families. This is always true, and with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever. In this blog, I share 6 practices I used with my own...

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